Topic Analysis

What is it and how can it help me with my projects?

Waleria Pągowska avatar
Written by Waleria Pągowska
Updated over a week ago

What is Topic Analysis?

Topic analysis is a text analysis method that allows you to identify and distinguish various topics present in a collection of internet mentions. It enables the analysis of hundreds, or even thousands, of articles, social media posts, or comments, which would be impossible with traditional manual analysis.

Using appropriate AI algorithms, it is easy (or not ;) ) to identify and extract topics, keywords, and emotions related to a particular subject. This makes it more convenient to track:

  • which topics are the most popular and important in the context of your project,

  • which words and phrases are most commonly used,

  • what emotions are associated with a given topic.

Why would I need it?

By using topic analysis, you can, for example:

  • track the most important trends in the industry,

  • see what problems are affecting your customers,

  • analyze what their (customers) expectations are for your company.

This makes it possible to tailor marketing and PR activities to the needs of your customers and propose solutions that meet their needs.

Additionally, topic analysis allows you to monitor the most important communication channels based on the categories in which a particular topic is discussed. This enables you to adapt your PR activities to the preferences of your audience and utilize the channels that are most important to them.

And what's inside?

You will find Topic Analysis on the bottom of the menu under 'Lab24: Awesome new features'. Choose the project you want to measure, scroll down to Lab24 and click on Topic Analysis:

Here begins the fun part. We tried to cover as much data as possible here in Topic Analysis. That is why you will find all sort of information that can be of benefit to you and your company. Here's what's inside:

  • Topics exploration

The topic map presents the distribution of mentions in thematic categories. Each dot represents a single mention, and their relative proximity on the map indicates semantic similarity.

  • Theme bar

Next, you can choose which one of the extracted topics you want to dig more into (you can change it at any given moment).

  • Word cloud

The word cloud displays the most important phrases related to a given topic. The larger the word, the more significant it is in determining the mention's relevance to the topic.

  • Topic's popularity chart

The chart shows how often posts related to a given topic appeared within the time range of the analysis.

  • Sentiment share chart

You can quickly check if comments on the researched topic are more negative or positive. Or maybe it doesn't evoke any emotions, and the chart is grey with neutral comments?

Note: If you don't want to see neutral comments, with one click, you can hide them.

  • Categories share chart

With this chart, you can check what channel mentions related to a given topic appear in.

  • Share of voice chart

This is a comparison of the detected topics' sizes - how many mentions belong to each of them.

  • Interactions share chart

Do you know how much engagement did the topic generate from the audience? Now you do :D The chart shows the total interactions (i.e., likes, shares, and comments) from all posts related to the topic.

Additional options

'What else can be there?!' You may say in disbelief. Happy, you asked!

  • Date range

With every theme, you can select the week (last or previous ones) you want to research.

  • Exporting options

You can export each graph to add to your own presentations!


This feature is available for our Enterprise customers. If you want to upgrade, here's where you can do it:

We hope this article has been useful to you! If you have any further questions or need help, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach us via email at or send us a message using the chat box on the bottom-right side of your dashboard.

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