The Domain Filter lets you focus your brand monitoring efforts on specific websites or domains. This is especially useful when you want to monitor mentions from a particular source or when you want to exclude specific websites from your monitoring.
Log in to Brand24 and go to the Mention Tab.
In the filter section on the right, select the "Domain" filter.
Enter the domain to include or exclude.
Click the blue button to apply the filter and see your results.
To include more than one domain in your search, please use the following operators: {AND}, {OR}, {NOT}. For example: {NOT}{AND}{NOT} - shows entries that do not come from Youtube nor Twitter.
Focused Monitoring: Use the Domain Filter to target specific websites like news outlets or industry blogs.
Competitor Analysis: Isolate mentions from competitors' websites to compare strategies and find improvement opportunities.
Spam Filtering: Exclude irrelevant or spammy domains to focus on high-quality mentions.
Crisis Management: Filter mentions from influential sources during a crisis to prioritize your response.
We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out.