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Project Comparison

What it is, how it works, why it matters, plus a detailed look at its features and filters.

Updated over a week ago

Date Range

Easily compare different periods by choosing a range of Days, Weeks, or Months, or customize it to your liking.


You can pick and choose the specific things you want to compare. You can focus only on certain social media platforms or important indicators using filters. Plus, all the filter options you used to find in the Mention tab are now available in the Comparison tab!

Overview Table

See important numbers side by side quickly:

  • Total mentions

  • Social media mentions

  • Non-social media mentions

  • Positive mentions

  • Negative mentions

  • Social media reach

  • Non-social media reach

  • Presence score

  • Current presence score

  • AVE

  • User-generated content

Brand24 screenshot

Mentions Chart

The chart in the Comparison Tab shows how often different brands or projects are mentioned. This chart helps you understand which brands or projects are being talked about more on different platforms and times.

Reach Chart

For each project you compare, the reach chart (based on the audience size of the source) shows how much visibility and influence it has with its target audience. This helps you see which project is reaching more people.

Sentiment Charts

The sentiment charts in the Comparison Tab show whether discussions about different projects are positive, negative, or neutral. These charts visually show the overall mood and opinions related to each project.

Share of Voice

Share of Voice indicates how many mentions belong to each of the compared projects.

Categories Share Chart

The categories share chart visually presents where brand discussions happen across various communication channels for each compared brand or project. This chart highlights which communication channels are more important for different discussions.

Why is it helpful?

The comparison tab makes getting insights from the performance of different brands/hashtags/mentions easier. Here are a few use cases that you may find useful:

  • Performance Benchmarking: Compare multiple projects to assess the social media performance of different brands, products, or campaigns side by side.

  • Strategic Insights: Analyze projects to uncover patterns and trends, helping you refine your marketing strategies and make data-driven decisions.

  • Competitor Analysis: Compare your projects with competitors to see how your brand stands in the market and identify areas for improvement.

  • Resource Allocation: Focus resources on projects that deliver better engagement, sentiment, or ROI for maximum impact.

  • ROI Measurement: Assess which campaigns yield higher brand awareness, engagement, or conversions, which will help you optimize future budgets.

  • Campaign Optimization: Compare project data to adjust strategies and improve underperforming campaigns in real time.

  • Informed Decision-Making: Use comparative data to decide which projects to continue, modify, or discontinue for more efficient marketing.

We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. You can email us at or send a message through the chat box in the bottom-right corner of your dashboard.

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