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What is Mentions Tab?

Learn how to work with your mentions in the Mention Tab.

Daniel Baradziej avatar
Written by Daniel Baradziej
Updated over a week ago


This dashboard displays two crucial graphs that allow you to make more data-driven decisions.

The one that is shown by default displays the number of mentions and their reach:

Additionally, you can turn on the sentiment analysis graph just press the Sentiment button in the upper left corner:

It will divide your mentions into positive and negative. Hover over a specific date to see more insights from a particular date:

Sorting mentions

Brand24 gives you the possibility of sorting mentions in two ways:

  1. Recent mentions first - great if you visit Brand24 regularly, work on each mention one by one, and want to see the newest mentions as the first ones.

  2. Popular mentions first - great if you want to see a whole range and variety of sources, but still keep an eye on the mentions with the biggest amount of interactions or influencer score.

This view displays social and non-social sources.

Social media sources are presented in descending order of interactions. For these, without any interactions, we take into account the influencer score that is counted based on the number of followers of the given author.

Non-social sources are sorted by influencer score that is being counted based on the monthly visits number.

Boolean search

There are a few places you can use it, the first time being your project setup:

  • required keyword - operator AND

  • excluded keyword - operator NOT

If you need more information about this, please go here :)

The next opportunity to use 'search filters' or 'boolean search filters' will be in your main Mentions center.

By simply inputting a 'keyword' in this search bar - you can search within your collected mentions (please note this form of searching is temporary and won't affect future collections - so you can search as much as you like!)

If you want to search for more than one keyword in this search bar, you can narrow down your results with different variations of search, such as using {curly brackets} and operators, such as

  • {AND}

  • {OR}

  • {NOT}

  • {IS}

For example, your main keyword is Tesla, and you're looking for car reviews about that brand, so you can use car{AND}review to narrow down your results for those specific phrases used together within your results.

If you want to go through mentions covering tesla and cars but not check the reviews, you'll need car{AND}{NOT}review typed in the search bar.

If you want to check in your results mentions covering reviews or prices of Tesla, then you can use reviews{OR}prices

You can also use operator {IS} if one of your keywords is TeslaCar and you want to go through the mentions that only cover Tesla, just like this

Please note: the most important part of using boolean operators is that they need to be passed between the braces {}.

Single mention

Each mention found by Brand24 contains:

  • Time and date it was published in the upper right corner.

  • The mentions title

  • The number of social media author’s followers or the number of monthly visits (for websites)

  • The sentiment of mention that can be manually changed (positive, neutral, or negative)

  • Visit button that will take you straight to the source of the mention

  • Tags button that will let you tag a mention with an existing or a new tag

  • Delete button that will let you delete irrelevant mention or block irrelevant social media author’s mentions or mark it as SPAM

  • Add to PDF Report button that will allow you to add up to 100 single mentions to your PDF report

  • Tick box

Please note that every mention that you pressed on to visit its source will contain the eye sign in its upper left corner:

Global settings

You can mark every single mention or select all of them, and after, take advantage of deleting them all with one click.

Filtering mentions

On the right side of the Mentions dashboard, you can see the filters that you can apply to your mentions so they meet your specific criteria:

  • Date range - every dashboard in Brand24 contains the date range tab in the top right corner. You can choose a specific date range to display all collected data.

Please note that our system is designed to collect data from the moment you set up a project. However, we may collect something older than 30 days - the availability of historical data depends on the popularity of the term.

  • Sources - Brand24 collects all publicly visible mentions from the internet and categorizes them by source. You can single out any of those sources by ticking the boxes next to the numbers.

  • Sentiment filter - lets you limit your mentions to only positive or only negative ones

  • Importance filter - lets you limit your mentions to only the most important ones. It’s a great filter if you don’t have time to work through each mention but still need to keep an eye on these most important ones. Our indicators that mention are important are: it’s coming from a trusted source that has a big amount of visitors, has a high amount of interactions, it’s coming from a popular author, it’s coming from a popular domain

  • Visited filter - you will be able to limit your mentions only to those that you have already seen or not

  • Domain filter - shows you mention coming only from a certain domain or groups of domains, e.g., “.fr” for French domains only

  • Tags filter - will let you filter your mentions by only those that were tagged by you with a given tag

Saved filters

After adjusting the filters to your specific needs, you will be able to save it and avoid providing all the information every time you will need to find the same query again. Have a look:

HINT: It’s always a great practice to save your filter, not only to save time though. Our tool will give you the possibility to create a PDF report containing only the query or only the tag you have saved, have a look:

We hope this article has been useful to you! If you have any further questions or need help, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach us via email at or send us a message using the chat box on the bottom-right side of your dashboard.

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