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Boolean search

How to narrow down results using different operators.

Updated over 4 months ago

What is Boolean search?

Boolean search is a way to narrow down search results using keywords combined with operators like AND, OR, and NOT. It helps refine searches by including or excluding specific terms, making it easier to find exactly what you're looking for.

Where to find Boolean search?

The simplest answer is: anywhere there's a search bar!

For a more detailed explanation, here are a few places you can use it, starting with your project setup:

  • Required keyword: use the AND operator

  • Excluded keyword: use the NOT operator

For more information on required and excluded words, read this article.

You can also apply Boolean search in the Mentions tab and in advanced filters.

How to use Boolean search?

To search within your collected mentions, just enter a keyword into the search bar. This search is temporary and won't affect future collections, so feel free to use it as often as needed!

If you'd like to search for more than one keyword, you can narrow your results using Boolean operators inside curly brackets, such as:

  • {AND}

  • {OR}

  • {NOT}

  • {IS}

Here are a few examples:

  • To find mentions of Tesla and reviews about the car, type: car{AND}review.

  • To search for mentions of Tesla and cars, but exclude reviews, type: car{AND}{NOT}review.

  • To search for mentions with either reviews or prices of Tesla, type: reviews{OR}prices.

  • Use {IS} for an exact match, like this: {IS}TeslaCar.

Note: Always place the Boolean operators inside curly brackets {}.

How to save Boolean filters

You can save your search by clicking "Save current filter," so you won’t have to re-enter it each time.

Keep in mind that saved filters are only visible on your account—each user needs to create their own saved filters.

We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out.

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